New Names for Cute Bunnies

Kit and Maryellen were anxiously waiting for the Easter egg hunt to begin.  Kit had on a brand new dress and Maryellen was reluctantly making do with her sundress and mint green sweater.  It was the first time it was warm enough to even wear a sleeveless dress on Easter!


The older girls weren’t ready yet, but Isabelle gave her phone to Kit to help them pass the time.

“Maryellen, here is a chart to help you determine your ‘Easter Bunny Name’!  Guess what, my name would be Kindheart Carrot Top!” said Kit.


“Oh neat!  What would my name be?” inquired Maryellen, studying the chart.

“Ummm… Mighty Carrot Top!  That fits you Maryellen because of your red hair!”

“It’s cute, but I wish we had different last names,” said Maryellen.

Kit rolled her eyes and changed the subject. “Jen’s name would be Jumpy Jelly Bean!”

“Oh, I like that name a lot,” said Maryellen.


“After the egg hunt let’s go home and make a list of the whole family’s names,”  said Kit.  “Maybe we could even print them in a special Easter edition of our newspaper!”

Maryellen and Kit were thrilled that they had a great idea for play time once the Easter excitement dwindled down.  Until then, there were plenty of eggs to hunt for.

What is your Easter Bunny Name?  We wish all who celebrate a blessed Easter!

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