Lanie Settles In

IMG_6794Welcome Lanie!  Brianna’s Lanie arrive in excellent shape – only missing her headband and underwear.  Neither a deal-breaker for her.

Since December, Brianna’s Dad had been scouting “Lanies” on eBay.  Every now and then he would say, “This one is closing in 2 hours!”  Inevitably, I said no.  “We just got Maryellen AND Dakota!” I said.  He didn’t give up.  When Brianna’s birthday was about a month away, he suggested this Lanie.  I still wasn’t sure.  What if there was something wrong with her, or she smelled funny?  What if her hair was a wreck?  It is hard to tell the state of curly hair on eBay.  He made a bid, and as fate would have it, she was on her way to our house.  She was about $90.00 with shipping.

When Brianna opened her presents, she of course knew a doll was under the wrapping.  She guessed it could be a historical because of the red box.  We, of course, said, “What historical don’t we already have?!?!?”

Soft, bouncy hair

Soft, bouncy hair

This Lanie has the softest hair.  I think a new Lanie would have tighter curls, but we love her hair the way it is!  It is not as brassy blond as Isabelle’s hair.

IMG_6789Sweet face, dark green eyes.  Wig is thick and is not shedding the way our newer dolls do.

IMG_6787We quickly bought the Lanie book on eBay so it did feel like getting a NIB doll.  It will be interesting to see whether Brianna buys Lea with the money she has been saving or whether the eBay bug has bit her and she thinks about other GOTY dolls.

Dakota was thrilled that Lanie joined her!  Best friends ready for an adventure.




17 thoughts on “Lanie Settles In

  1. Flo

    A headband would be easy enough to make for sure! She looks terrific though, good deal. I did chuckle at the missing underwear, that seems to be a thing with Ebay dolls, of the 6 I’ve bought that way, only Kanani came with undies. Poor girls!


    1. Jen Post author

      And don’t you want to email the seller and say, “When you find blue undies with a dragonfly, email me!!” because things like that always turn up eventually!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Jen Post author

      Her limbs are nice and tight… Better than some of our newer GOTY dolls, actually. I’ve never been crazy about her meet outfit, personally, but it will be fun to see how she looks in other outfits.


  2. Cindi Thompson

    Maggie is glad to hear you got such a fun doll for your birthday! Watch out for the ebay bug, if it bites you, it’s bad. Can end up costing you a lot of money! But, it is always fun to be on the hunt for AG deals 😃.


  3. jackylina

    Your Lanie has such a sweet face. I can’t WAIT for you to read her books. I love them! I have always wondered though, why AG made Lanie’s logo a dragonfly rather than a butterfly which is what her stories are about. I think $90 is a good price for a GOTY. That’s how much I paid for my Isabelle.


    1. Jen Post author

      Thank you! I’ve noticed that the prices for Lanie seem to be holding steady… 80.00 plus shipping and up is a price you can expect. It’s funny how she can have a lot in common with Isabelle, but really seem like a separate personality.
      Brianna started reading the book and I am going to be right behind her. I’ll definitely let you know my thoughts.
      Did your dolls have time to get out on this nice day?



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